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The Director of KBG Security Solutions Limited is committed to ensuring a safe and healthy environment for staff, customers, contractors and visitors.


The effective management of health and safety ranks equally with any other managerial or supervisory responsibility. The aim is to ensure that health and safety becomes an integral part of the company’s activities.

Our statement of general policy is:

Modern day slavery encompasses slavery, servitude, human trafficking and forced labour. KBG have a zero-tolerance approach to any form of modern slavery. We are committed to acting ethically and with integrity and transparency in all business dealings and to putting effective systems and controls in place to safeguard against any form of modern slavery taking place within the business or our supply chain.

Although KBG are proud of the steps we have taken to date to combat slavery and human trafficking, we will continue our commitment to improving our practices and procedures to combat slavery and human trafficking.

This statement sets out KBG Security actions to date and ongoing commitments to understand all potential modern slavery risks related to its business and to put in place steps, practices and procedures that are aimed at ensuring that there is no slavery or human trafficking in our own business, and its supply chain.

Modern Day Slavery risk in the context of KBG Security business

In all jurisdictions in which KBG Security operates, its corporate activities are concerned with the provision of online experiences to customers and ancillary or related services. KBG Security typically provides those services via locally incorporated and managed companies. None of the jurisdictions in which KBG Security provides its services ranks highly on the Global Slavery Index.



KBG Security does not employ significant numbers of agency workers or contractors. The agency and contract workers are treated equally with our full time and permanent employees.



All employees, contractors and agency workers are required to adhere to the Policy. We aim to provide our staff members with guidance and actively encourage them to report slavery concerns using our Code of Conduct and Whistle blowing Policy.

Modern Slavery risk in the context of KBG Security supply chain


KBG Security is committed to ensuring ethical compliance, to act with integrity in all our business relationships and to eradicate forced labour and human trafficking from within its supply chain.



Response to Modern Slavery risks:


KBG Security has no cause to suspect that Modern Slavery is currently present within its business, nor any evidence that it has been present in the past.


KBG Security has in place a Code of Conduct and whistle blowing policy which enables employees to report illegal or unethical behaviour without fear of reprisal.


KBG Security has adopted a straightforward Anti-Modern Slavery Policy, which is primarily focused on obliging employees and to report Modern Slavery and what to do if it is detected in KBG Security business.


KBG Security will keep this policy under review and update it periodically in line with UK Home Office guidance.


KBG Security will ensure that responsibility for continuing compliance with the Policy rests with a senior employee of KBG Security.


KBG Security will ensure a high level of understanding of the risks of Modern Slavery in our business by providing training, where appropriate, to our staff.



Responsibility and Due Diligence


The senior management of KBG Security will take responsibility for implementing this statement and provide adequate resources and investment to ensure that Modern Slavery is not taking place within the business. We have developed a Code of Conduct through which we aim to achieve best practice. We will take steps to ensure due diligence If we find a Contract is non-compliant with our policies or code of conduct or provides inadequate information, we will work with them to improve their performance. In cases of persistent non-compliance, we may consider terminating the business relationship as soon as possible.


Employees who do not follow the policy will be given the opportunity to receive additional training, if their behaviour does not improve, they may face disciplinary action.

We aim to take steps to track and report in future statements on key performance indicators to ensure that our contract is compliant, training our employees who will be involved in procurement process and will include results of our risk analysis exercise.

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